Well I had an unexpected appointment today with my high risk team. I had emailed her on Tuesday as I was concerned that I was leaking fluid of some sort. I have been feeling this it seems on and off since I had my cerclage placed a week ago today. It was not huge amounts, but anything that isn't "normal" to me, concerns me. And seeing that I had the same issue while pregnant with Hunter, this concerned me much more. I had told them back then about my concerns and was told it was probably just urine. That was it. But deep in my heart I knew something was not right. A couple of days later I had a full rupture.
So following my feelings I emailed. She wanted to see me today. It was a family day as A was not in school and J was off work today. I went for ultrasound, and I will tell you it sure is hard to lay there for that long watching the tech do the ultrasound not having a CLUE about what they are seeing and if everything is okay!
After getting all the measurements and such, she turned the screen so I could see the little one. So amazing how things change with these babies so quickly! This picture is only two weeks after the first one and you can see the changes already!
Finally got to see my doctor and I am happy to say that she said the fluid level was "normal." She did say that there is always a chance that the leak is so small that it would be very hard for them to tell, but for now I am going to just continue to be positive and keep praying that this baby WILL come and WILL be a part of our family!!
There is also the chance that during the stitching procedure they stitched into the bladder as it is right beside the uterus, however this would be very rare and within time I would develop an infection.
Since having the cerclage placed a week ago, I have finally settled into it. I was pretty nervous for the first few days after as I was getting A LOT of pain off and on. So bad that I would have to leave the room as I didn't feel comfortable. I also dealt with many episodes of diarrhea, which I believe was from being pumped full of antibiotics during the procedure.
Monday during work I was dealing with some pretty severe back pain. By the time I got home 8 hours later it was horrid. I was almost in tears and just didn't understand WHY it hurt so bad. I mean I had worked three days in a row right before my cerclage and had nothing with my back going on. Then on my first day back after the cerclage, I dealt with this. I thought it was odd. So anyways, I asked her about that and she said that the cerclage pulls on everything inside and therefore that is what is probably causing me the back pain. Right now it is not a huge issue, but it is something I need to be careful with as the pregnancy progresses. Her thought a couple of weeks ago was that I will not be able to work past 18 weeks. So we shall she.
There are still times that I can "feel" the stitch and there are times that it almost takes my breath away. It is the oddest feeling. I have been told by some cerclage mommies that they get "zapping" feelings down below. Hopefully that is something I won't have to experience! haha
Besides these issues, things have been going great. I am still needing to take pills for the nausea as it is pretty severe at night, usually starting at dinner. I take this as a great thing though, as I have never dealt with nausea in my pregnancies.
I will be going back for another appointment in 11 days. It will be at this time that they will start measuring the cervical length and keep a very close eye on that. No complaints....I get to see my baby much more than normal!
We talk to A all the time about him being a big brother. When we ask him if he wants a brother he turns and looks at the picture of Hunter that we have up on the shelf with his urn. It really is cute. How on earth he knew that his brother was there I have NO idea, but hey I love it nonetheless.
So then when we ask him if he wants a sister he just smiles. A sister would be a GREAT thing (mommy is dying to buy PINK PINK PINK!!! hahaha) But I will take ANY healthy baby, no matter what sex they are!
My little man is going to be such a great big brother and I know that the baby will do so much for him as well. With being in school now, he has changed SO much. Just today at the doctor was a good example. In the past when there were small kids around and they would scream/cry, he would get VERY upset. Usually would end in pouting/tears and full out crying. But today there was a young boy screaming away and A would just smile. It was great to see! The teacher tells me that there are still times where A seems to get startled with the kids, but he is coping much better.
His favorite things at school are singing O'Canada, reading books, math time and gym. I am just so proud of him and how far he has come. I never in a million years would have guessed that he would like school. And to see the joy it brings to him just melts my heart! I know he is going to love it come September when he gets to go every single day! And what great timing for a new baby eh? Little man in school all day and a brand new baby here at home....couldn't be more excited for our life of four to start!!!!
i'm praying for you and J! i know how long you both have wanted to add another little one to your life, and i pray that this time everything goes great! little bumps in the road just keep you on your toes
you keep saying that this time you don't feel the same, having trouble with feeling sick, well.... maybe this is a little girl, that would be so awesome!
i'm here if you ever need anything, even just to talk.
miss you so much
love mandi
Hi Shannon,
I am so thrilled for you! We are hoping to try again... just not quite yet. I will be thinking about you non-stop and hoping for an uneventful pregnancy.
:) - Clare (Caitlin and Brianna's mom)
I had to smile at Ash loving O canada. Ryan has been singing it pretty well since our Australia day and sings it in the most delightful way.
Hoping for you all that the next months go well.
Hopefully the stitch in time will save (the) nine (months of post delivery waiting!)
Keep believing
I am so excited for you. Praying for a healthy baby.....nice and big too:)
Praying for a LONG and boring pregnancy!
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