Two years ago today our sweet baby boy H came into this world too soon at only 18 weeks and 4 days. There hasn't been one day since that has passed where I haven't thought about him and what life would be like if he were here.
Being 15 weeks and 6 days pregnant now is very scary for me. I know from week 18 until week 24 I am going to be on edge. And yes, I know that I have to be positive and I know that worrying isn't going to do much, but until you have lived in my shoes, you just have NO idea how hard being pregnant is. I can't enjoy it like most do. I try on some days, but deep down I am SCARED. Just plain SCARED.
I take a lot of comfort from the reading I had in February with a psychic medium. She truly helped me put my mind at ease for many things. And my grandma told me that everything is going to be fine. And I believe her.
Miss you sweet boy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking of you. Anniversary dates are so tough. Congrats though on this pregnancy. Full term is possible...I am walking proof of that.
There you go Shannon, "walking proof"!! Thought of Hunter too, from Sunday night to Monday night!! Keep your head high, gleam with positive smiles! luv Mom & Dad xoxoxoxoxox
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