Well I am excited to say that yesterdays appointment went really well!!! The ultrasound was the diagnostic one, so it was just over an hour. Of course I had a man that was training, so what was already a long one, was even longer. By the end of it I had a very hard time getting up. I have had so many issues with my back this pregnancy and I know that its only going to get worse!!!
Anyhow, baby looked great!! He/she is VERY busy and was giving the tech a hard time. Every time they would freeze the screen to do measurements and go back, baby had moved. Or would be moving as they were trying to get pictures. Baby was breech most of the time, which meant that it was standing on my cervix A LOT. Hmmm think this could explain some of those quick/sharp pains that I get when I say it feels like it is my stitch?? And to think of how they will feel when baby is bigger....don't even want to!!
All measurements were good and all organs looked great so far as well. Baby is measuring between 17 weeks 4 days and 18 weeks 3 days which is right on. (Actually on the small end, which is just fine by me!)
Cervix also looked great....actually gained .3cm which puts me at 4.3cm.
I still had a bit of protein in my urine, but again, no real cause for concern. My blood pressure was 100/60, which for me is on the low side, but I'll take it!
We are going to stick with our weekly appointments until at least 24 weeks. This is most comfortable for all of us together, but I am sure especially me! I am only two days away from my first milestone, where I will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Tomorrow marks the exact gestation that I was when I gave birth to Hunter. And of course my HUGE milestone will be passing 24 weeks!!! We will be in unknown territory then!!!!
I am starting to get super excited, but at the same time I am almost afraid to be too excited. I have a great feeling with this baby, and I just can't wait until the day I get to hold this baby in my arms!!!! I am feeling much more movement lately as well, which is always a nice reassurance. I think baby knows that I needed that this week!

His EA was actually off too with the flu so that was a bit disappointing. I was really hoping to see the two of them work together. Instead he had a supply and to be honest, she was pretty useless.
He loved O'Canada, their morning songs, story time, circle time...ALL of it. He even did really well when it was time for the kids to go to their desks and colour a picture about a book they had just read. He was trying his hardest to hold the markers and do his work. It was really cute too, because he sits with another boy and a girl at a table. And because A obviously can't glue things on his own, they worked as a team to get things done. These kids were just great with him!
Another nice thing to see was when we would walk down the hall to go to the "big room" where he has his diaper changed. He LOVES it! He loves being in the middle of all the action with the hallway full of other kids. And many of them would say "hi Ashton" as they walked past. Brought a smile to my face for sure.
Recess was heartwarming for me as well. There are a few girls that love to push him around the playground. There is one in particular named Angel and wow, an Angel she is! She talked to him as if he talked back, she would take him to different points in the playground, lock his wheelchair and talk about what they could see or what they were looking at. It is just so great to see kids that accept all other kids for who they are. I swear, it was like she didn't even realize that he couldn't talk back to her. To her, he was just another kid on the playground. She did tell me that she is always helping whoever she can and that she loves to be a big helper. Especially to kids that need help.
It was also pretty neat to watch him in gym class, which I knew was another of his favorites. They played with a parachute and right when he saw it he was super excited. They all stand around it and on top of it is four balls. They try and bounce the opposite colour of what is their teams off.
After gym was library. It was reading day, so the teacher read them a couple of books. Again, his attention to what was going on was AMAZING! I never ever would have guessed that he would pay attention so well at school for anything.
As nice as it was for me to be with him in class and see what he does and how he acts, I would never ever in a million years want that as a job!!!!! I do not understand how his nurse is able to do this two/three days per week to be honest. I did NOTHING for him except his feed. In my opinion after being there, he really truly does not need a nurse by his side at school. However, for some reason the school board thinks opposite and therefore pay an incredible rough $56.10/hour to have her there!!! I did not have to suction once. NOTHING. I sat hidden behind the teachers desk and read magazines.
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