Well, things here on the homefront are great! Little man is loving every minute of school and has really turned into such a big boy since starting last year. His EA writes in a notebook that is sent home with him and I always sit down with A after a day of school and talk about what he did. I am not 100% how much of this he truly understands, but I can definitely see the wheels turning. He still loves talking about O'Canada, and loves it even more when we watch the hockey games and he gets to hear it.
It seems that his favorite things at school to do (besides singing!) is math and gym class. This is a kid who has ALWAYS loved to count, so the math makes sense. Gym, they do so much different stuff. Today they played "parachute" and he seems to enjoy that. His favorites are definitely hockey and soccer though!
I'll tell ya, this kid just LOVES watching sports on TV. Any time there is a Leaf game on, you can bet that he is watching it. There are days he whines about his shows on TV so you have to try and find a hockey game for him to watch. If there isn't one, you can resort to ultimate fighting, golf, lacrosse or football. No joke. He will watch all of these as if he understands every second of what is happening.
He had a visit to the dentist last week and again did well. He does fuss/cry throughout the whole ordeal, but for a child that does not eat orally at all and has a SEVERE oral aversion, he does great. He really isn't a fan of the high pressure water and suction, but again he manages. It always takes a few of us to keep him under control, but we manage. The lady who does his teeth every time we go is absolutely awesome at her job and you can tell she really takes pride in what she does.
Little man is really loving to draw/colour again. This is HUGE because for a long time he would not even think of doing this as his one EI worker got him hooked on stickers. But since being in school, this is yet another great thing!!!!
He also had his first school trip last week, which was pretty exciting. They only went to a grocery store, but for him to accept a different routine than what he is used to is great news. His nurse said that he complained the whole way to the grocery store but as soon as they were inside, he was good. I am sure he was wondering where he was going and why. I am thinking that maybe he was complaining because he thought that he was coming home early?
As for everything else around here, well no complaints! J and I are really nervous about the coming weeks and the pregnancy, but of course that is to be expected. I just can't wait until the day that we can both be super duper excited for this baby!!!! Don't get me wrong, we definitely are excited about being parents again, but hard all the same.
We have TONS of people praying for us, and we BELIEVE, so we shall see!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:
Love this update - esp on the the comings and goings of our little friend.
Just a thought about him getting ticked about going to the store - do they prepare him in advance? Tell him where they are going, what they are doing, how long, whats happening afterwards?? I find with Ryan that with anything new, I prepare in advance and esp with expectations of how he will need to be; the knowledge of what is coming, is such a huge thing.
Love to my little boy
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