So here we are again...Thankful Thursday. Of course, the first thing is for another week of this pregnancy. This will always be my first thanks!!! It was five weeks ago today that I had my cerclage placed and so far things are going pretty good.
I saw my high risk team today after having an abdominal ultrasound and a trans vaginal ultrasound. The first is to look at baby and check fluid levels. I still feel like I am leaking at times, so they are keeping a close eye of the amniotic fluid. It is also to check babies heart rate and make sure all is well.
The trans vaginal is to measure the length of my cervix and to take a peek at the cerclage. So at my last appointment my cervix was an amazing 5.8cms. Today it was 4.3cms. This is still a good length, but a bit scary as I lost 1.5cms in two weeks. I will be seeing my team weekly now to keep a close eye. As well, seeing that next week will be a milestone for me, this makes me much more comfortable. I just hope and pray that the cervix length does not shorten any more.
The funny thing was, as soon as the tech started the trans vaginal ultrasound she said "oh I see a bum." Baby was sitting right on the cervix. So glad the screen was turned back or I would have seen the sex of the baby!!!
Still have protein in my urine, but at this point not really much to do or be concerned about as my blood pressure is good and the amount of protein is not high. My blood pressure is actually low for my norm, so that makes me feel better than seeing it go up!
I am also very thankful for all the continued thoughts and prayers from everyone!!!!!!!! They mean so much to me!
I just keep BELIEVING!!!!!!!

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