Saturday, 30 April 2011

A Pretty Big Update

Well, lets start with baby. I saw my team on Thursday, and baby looked great on the ultrasound! Baby is growing well and is very active. I am feeling baby every single day and I just can't get enough! I am also now able to see the kicks from the outside which is really exciting too. Dad has yet to feel any seems that baby likes to be still as soon as he places his hand on my belly.

Baby on April 21st
I still have a tiny amount of protein in my urine, but just feeling happy that it hasn't changed into anything more. My cervix however has gone down yet again. And this time by a whole cm. I have to admit that I was very shocked when the nurse told me my measurement. The tears came. It is sooo scary only being just over 20 weeks and knowing that if something was to happen now, nothing can be done. It is also scary because we really are hoping on not doing any NICU time.

So I am now on modified bedrest. I am not allowed to do ANY lifting, which everyone knows how hard that is considering A relies on us for everything. I am not allowed to stand/sit for too long and cannot go for any walks. If I was to lose another 1cm, I will be admitted to hospital. This scares me too, because of A. I know things will work out, but being a mom who worries about her child CONSTANTLY, doing so from a hospital bed 45 minutes away would be much much worse.

Baby April 28th
I remember kind of being iffy about getting the cerclage done at first and just wanting to be followed closely. Now, I am just SO happy I have the cerclage or I would be going absolutely insane. Well, more insane than I already am! hahaha

So, all those prayers and thoughts are truly needed at this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In little man news. He is doing great!!! I place his hand on my tummy alot and tell him that it is the baby. If you ask him now where baby is, he will usually look at my tummy. So cute. He is going to be such a great big brother. One of the things I am most excited for is seeing the two of them together. I also can't wait until A sees his little brother/sister for the first time....I wonder if he will know?

In school, things are still just as fantastic as they have been. He loves every single second he is there. I had a meeting last week with the principal, his teacher and the resource teacher. It was to go over his IEP and discuss plans for next year. I am very happy with the IEP that they have written up for him and even more happy that all three of them agreed with me that the speech therapists ideas for A to say yes/no are absurd and just will not work. I love having people on my side.

I was asked about next year and what I had in mind for A. Of course I said that I was expecting him to go to grade 1 and be there daily. However, all three of them think that A should stay back and do SK again and then move on. The environment of SK is much more relaxed and as well, A didn't get started until pretty much the beginning of November anyways. And even then, that was not even full days. I told them I would be okay with that, but something had to be figured out for him to go all day everyday. So the principal spoke to his supervisor and she agreed that A can do SK over again, but go everyday. This means that he will be in two different classes, but I know he will love it!

Little man also got him brand new AFOs and they are really cool! And these were picked up just in time for his brand new OWN stander!!!!! He was not thrilled at all to be put in it the first night it was brought, but it has been a while since he has used one so we will just have to get him used to it again. Physio was here the following day while I was at my appointment and my mom said that A was so upset with just putting on his AFOs that they didn't even put him in the stander at all. So I got a great picture of him yesterday to show physio next time I see her! hahaha

On Good Friday, we went up to Hilton Falls for a little family hike. We had never been there before so we thought we would check it out. I was a bit iffy about going, but figure that a 4km hike into the falls and back out would not be that bad if we just took our time. A loves his bike trailer and had so much fun on the hike. Mommy however was not feeling too hot by the time we were done. My back was sore and I told J that there would be no more family hikes until we were a family of four!

Easter Sunday we headed to see grandma and grandpa S and the rest of the family for Easter dinner. This was tough for me as well, because it is just so far from my comfort zone. I always feel the need to be close to my team. I did okay though and was happy we went. It was nice to see everyone!!!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

20 Weeks!

How baby is growing:

Your fantastic fetus' fragile tiny bones continue to ossify and toughen while their itsy bitsy finger and toe pads (and unique finger prints) are finishing up.

Your little womb-dancer also has teeth buds sprouting beneath their gum line.

And finally! Your wee one's limbs have reached their relative proportions — no more bobble-head!

Their little pink lips are more defined, and might be helping out in a bit of prenatal thumb-sucking.

If you have a little boy: their tiny testes are descending, though they have not yet passed the abdominal wall.

And in a final anti-alien development: the first of their tiny eyelashes and eyebrows are now present.
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

Baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)

Weight Gain? 15lbs total so far

Stretch Marks? Nope

Sleep? I am up at least once per night to go to the washroom, but am not having as hard of a time falling back to sleep as I was. However once awake in the morning, I am usually up for good.

Best Moment of the Week? Hmmm I would have to say has been moving like crazy. Love it!

Food Cravings? Deep fried pickles!!!!!!!!

Movement? Yep, as I said above. Usually baby likes to start moving around 10pm for a while and then in the mornings when I wake up. I lay in bed for a bit (if I can) and just rub my belly and feel baby move. It is the most incredible feeling in the entire world. Today is the first day where I have felt baby a lot during day hours.

Milestone? Not particularly. Today is 20 in four weeks I will reach my next milestone

Emotions? Pretty good. Have ended up in tears a few times this week, but nothing too bad. I feel really alone sometimes, so that makes it hard for me.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

19 Weeks!

How baby is growing:

Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.

Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

Baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom —about the size of a heirloom tomato.

Weight Gain? Just over 14lbs as of my appointment last Thursday

Stretch Marks? Nope

Sleep? I seem to be doing better than I was. However I am up at night now either once or twice to go pee, so definitely not sleeping like I used to.

Best Moment of the Week? Hearing that everything with my diagnostic ultrasound last week was great and baby looks perfect!

Food Cravings? Still loving the cottage cheese mixed with HP Sauce :)

Names? Zoey for a girl...middle names are secret. For a boy we have two names we like/agree on so we shall see.

Movement? Definitely feeling baby now. I can't wait until they are harder and more pronounced though! Daddy is getting very anxious to be able to feel them too.

Milestone? YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! I lost Hunter at 18 weeks 4 days so I have officially passed that!!!!!

Friday, 15 April 2011

Just An Update

Well I am excited to say that yesterdays appointment went really well!!! The ultrasound was the diagnostic one, so it was just over an hour. Of course I had a man that was training, so what was already a long one, was even longer. By the end of it I had a very hard time getting up. I have had so many issues with my back this pregnancy and I know that its only going to get worse!!!

Anyhow, baby looked great!! He/she is VERY busy and was giving the tech a hard time. Every time they would freeze the screen to do measurements and go back, baby had moved. Or would be moving as they were trying to get pictures. Baby was breech most of the time, which meant that it was standing on my cervix A LOT. Hmmm think this could explain some of those quick/sharp pains that I get when I say it feels like it is my stitch?? And to think of how they will feel when baby is bigger....don't even want to!!

All measurements were good and all organs looked great so far as well. Baby is measuring between 17 weeks 4 days and 18 weeks 3 days which is right on. (Actually on the small end, which is just fine by me!)

Cervix also looked great....actually gained .3cm which puts me at 4.3cm.

I still had a bit of protein in my urine, but again, no real cause for concern. My blood pressure was 100/60, which for me is on the low side, but I'll take it!

We are going to stick with our weekly appointments until at least 24 weeks. This is most comfortable for all of us together, but I am sure especially me! I am only two days away from my first milestone, where I will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Tomorrow marks the exact gestation that I was when I gave birth to Hunter. And of course my HUGE milestone will be passing 24 weeks!!! We will be in unknown territory then!!!!

I am starting to get super excited, but at the same time I am almost afraid to be too excited. I have a great feeling with this baby, and I just can't wait until the day I get to hold this baby in my arms!!!! I am feeling much more movement lately as well, which is always a nice reassurance. I think baby knows that I needed that this week!

In little man news, he is still doing great! On Monday I got to go to school with him as his nurse was sick. I had always wanted to see what he does all day, so this was a great opportunity! And I have to say that I am VERY impressed! Out of all the kids in his class, I have to say honestly that he seems to pay the most attention. SOOO good to see!

His EA was actually off too with the flu so that was a bit disappointing. I was really hoping to see the two of them work together. Instead he had a supply and to be honest, she was pretty useless.

He loved O'Canada, their morning songs, story time, circle time...ALL of it. He even did really well when it was time for the kids to go to their desks and colour a picture about a book they had just read. He was trying his hardest to hold the markers and do his work. It was really cute too, because he sits with another boy and a girl at a table. And because A obviously can't glue things on his own, they worked as a team to get things done. These kids were just great with him!

Another nice thing to see was when we would walk down the hall to go to the "big room" where he has his diaper changed. He LOVES it! He loves being in the middle of all the action with the hallway full of other kids. And many of them would say "hi Ashton" as they walked past. Brought a smile to my face for sure.

Recess was heartwarming for me as well. There are a few girls that love to push him around the playground. There is one in particular named Angel and wow, an Angel she is! She talked to him as if he talked back, she would take him to different points in the playground, lock his wheelchair and talk about what they could see or what they were looking at. It is just so great to see kids that accept all other kids for who they are. I swear, it was like she didn't even realize that he couldn't talk back to her. To her, he was just another kid on the playground. She did tell me that she is always helping whoever she can and that she loves to be a big helper. Especially to kids that need help.

It was also pretty neat to watch him in gym class, which I knew was another of his favorites. They played with a parachute and right when he saw it he was super excited. They all stand around it and on top of it is four balls. They try and bounce the opposite colour of what is their teams off.

After gym was library. It was reading day, so the teacher read them a couple of books. Again, his attention to what was going on was AMAZING! I never ever would have guessed that he would pay attention so well at school for anything.

As nice as it was for me to be with him in class and see what he does and how he acts, I would never ever in a million years want that as a job!!!!! I do not understand how his nurse is able to do this two/three days per week to be honest. I did NOTHING for him except his feed. In my opinion after being there, he really truly does not need a nurse by his side at school. However, for some reason the school board thinks opposite and therefore pay an incredible rough $56.10/hour to have her there!!! I did not have to suction once. NOTHING. I sat hidden behind the teachers desk and read magazines.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

18 Weeks!

How baby is growing:

He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

Right now from head to rump,  baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces.

Weight Gain? Total as of last Thursday of 13lbs.

Stretch marks? Nope

Belly button in or out? Still in

Sleep? Same as it has been for weeks...can fall asleep easily but awake at least once per night and have a hard time going back to sleep.

Foods I am loving? Getting my dinner appetite back which is nice! Nothing specific this past week at all.

Foods I am hating? Still can't even think of eating sausage without feeling like I will be sick.

Best moment this week? When I got to see baby last Thursday :) Always a relief for me.

Movement? Feeling fluttering more now for sure...

Symptoms? Back pain...almost daily. I am sure cerclage doesn't help this.

Gender? No idea...don't want to know either.

What I miss? NOTHING!!!

What I'm looking forward to? Getting through week 18.

Milestone: Again, not yet!!!!

Emotions: This is going to be a tough week for me....nervous/anxious/scared.....can't wait to get past 18 weeks altogether. Emotions are just all over the place...even the anticipating of this week has been really tough on me.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Thankful Thursday

So here we are again...Thankful Thursday. Of course, the first thing is for another week of this pregnancy. This will always be my first thanks!!! It was five weeks ago today that I had my cerclage placed and so far things are going pretty good.

I saw my high risk team today after having an abdominal ultrasound and a trans vaginal ultrasound. The first is to look at baby and check fluid levels. I still feel like I am leaking at times, so they are keeping a close eye of the amniotic fluid. It is also to check babies heart rate and make sure all is well.

The trans vaginal is to measure the length of my cervix and to take a peek at the cerclage. So at my last appointment my cervix was an amazing 5.8cms. Today it was 4.3cms. This is still a good length, but a bit scary as I lost 1.5cms in two weeks. I will be seeing my team weekly now to keep a close eye. As well, seeing that next week will be a milestone for me, this makes me much more comfortable. I just hope and pray that the cervix length does not shorten any more.

The funny thing was, as soon as the tech started the trans vaginal ultrasound she said "oh I see a bum." Baby was sitting right on the cervix. So glad the screen was turned back or I would have seen the sex of the baby!!!

Still have protein in my urine, but at this point not really much to do or be concerned about as my blood pressure is good and the amount of protein is not high. My blood pressure is actually low for my norm, so that makes me feel better than seeing it go up!

I am also very thankful for all the continued thoughts and prayers from everyone!!!!!!!! They mean so much to me!

I just keep BELIEVING!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Wee Bit Of Me Wednesdays

{one} what is one food that, as an adult you love, but as a child you said you’d never touch?

I would have to say shrimp. I LOVE shrimp now!!!

{two} did you go to college? if yes, what did you take?
Yes, I did go to college. I studied law enforcement/police foundations. Graduated in 2003.

{three} what’s the most wild animal you’ve seen in real life (not counting the zoo)?
A a dump up North.

{four} have you ever been to a fortune teller?
I have seen a couple of psychics and most recently, a medium.

{five} can you juggle?
I don't think so.

{six} hardwood floors or carpet?
Depends. I like both. I hate trying to keep my wood floors clean everyday.

{seven} is it called “soda” or “pop”?

{eight} what was your first car?
A 1988 Mustang 5Litre....LOVED that car!

{nine} what is the most decadent dessert you’ve ever eaten?
Hmmm never had a decadent dessert LOL

{ten} how often do you rearrange your furniture?
Not really ever. I used to love to do that when I lived at home, but now in my own home there just isn't really any other way to put things.


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

17 Weeks!

How baby is growing:

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now, and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

Baby is about the size of a turnip now.

Weight Gain?  To be honest, I don't know. I don't weigh myself here at I will find out on Thursday when I see my doctor.

Maternity clothes? Still wearing my normal tops but definitely needing the maternity pants!

Stretch marks? Nope.

Belly button in or out? Still in.

Sleep? Same as last week. Have no issue going to sleep, but a tough time STAYING asleep.

Foods I am loving? Still loving the cottage cheese!

Foods I am hating? Still not liking hamburgers, sausage....pretty much dinner foods.

Best moment this week? It will be in three days when I get to see the baby :)

Movement? Same as last week. I *think* I am feeling things, but nothing I can say for sure 100%.

Symptoms? Still dealing with horrible headaches at times. As well, when on my feet too long, I am severe pain with my back. I think my standing time with work is almost done!! This baby is my number one priority so I need to do what is best for me and baby.

Gender? I have no idea to be honest. My sister in law had a dream a few weeks ago that I had a healthy baby boy and we were both crying together when he was born. I am 50/50 right now with what I think I am having. Some days I feel boy and other days I feel girl. And to be honest, I just don't care as long as the baby is healthy!!!!

What I miss? You know, right now, nothing. I have been trying to do everything PERFECT with this pregnancy.

What I'm looking forward to? Reaching 24 weeks. The weeks to come are going to be very hard on trying to stay as positive as possible. I think once I hit 24 weeks I will be able to enjoy this pregnancy and relax MUCH more!

Milestone: Right now, I have to say I haven't reached a milestone that is significant for me!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Family Update

Well, things here on the homefront are great! Little man is loving every minute of school and has really turned into such a big boy since starting last year. His EA writes in a notebook that is sent home with him and I always sit down with A after a day of school and talk about what he did. I am not 100% how much of this he truly understands, but I can definitely see the wheels turning. He still loves talking about O'Canada, and loves it even more when we watch the hockey games and he gets to hear it.

It seems that his favorite things at school to do (besides singing!) is math and gym class. This is a kid who has ALWAYS loved to count, so the math makes sense. Gym, they do so much different stuff. Today they played "parachute" and he seems to enjoy that. His favorites are definitely hockey and soccer though!

I'll tell ya, this kid just LOVES watching sports on TV. Any time there is a Leaf game on, you can bet that he is watching it. There are days he whines about his shows on TV so you have to try and find a hockey game for him to watch. If there isn't one, you can resort to ultimate fighting, golf, lacrosse or football. No joke. He will watch all of these as if he understands every second of what is happening.

He had a visit to the dentist last week and again did well. He does fuss/cry throughout the whole ordeal, but for a child that does not eat orally at all and has a SEVERE oral aversion, he does great. He really isn't a fan of the high pressure water and suction, but again he manages. It always takes a few of us to keep him under control, but we manage. The lady who does his teeth every time we go is absolutely awesome at her job and you can tell she really takes pride in what she does.

Little man is really loving to draw/colour again. This is HUGE because for a long time he would not even think of doing this as his one EI worker got him hooked on stickers. But since being in school, this is yet another great thing!!!!

He also had his first school trip last week, which was pretty exciting. They only went to a grocery store, but for him to accept a different routine than what he is used to is great news. His nurse said that he complained the whole way to the grocery store but as soon as they were inside, he was good. I am sure he was wondering where he was going and why. I am thinking that maybe he was complaining because he thought that he was coming home early?

As for everything else around here, well no complaints! J and I are really nervous about the coming weeks and the pregnancy, but of course that is to be expected. I just can't wait until the day that we can both be super duper excited for this baby!!!! Don't get me wrong, we definitely are excited about being parents again, but hard all the same.

We have TONS of people praying for us, and we BELIEVE, so we shall see!!!!!!!!!