Tuesday, 17 May 2011

23 Weeks!

So here I am. 23 weeks. Feeling absolutely GREAT with the pregnancy. Trying to enjoy the little parts. The baby moving. The kicks. The flips. On a countdown to 24 weeks, only 7 days to go. I was looking forward to this post, was starting to get more comfortable with being pregnant. With making it another week every week. You could maybe even say "enjoying" the pregnancy! Then yesterday happened.

First I had ultrasound. The tech went and got dad and we got to see baby face on. It is incredibly strange to be looking into the eyes of your unborn child, knowing exactly what they look like at that gestation. This sure is one busy baby!!!!

But in upsetting news,

My cervix has once again shortened. This time, the usual optimistic, nonchalant doctor was concerned. It is obvious that things are just slowly continuing to go downhill. Every single week since having my cerclage placed, I have lost length. It has never stayed stable. In their words, "it looks like we are headed down a path we have already travelled." The tears came. Hubby was with me. Probably a good time for him to be at an appointment as I do not think that he 100% "got it". He does now.

The good thing going for us right now is that we have that stitch in place. We just have to hope that this stitch can hold our sweet baby in for as long as possible!

So, next Tuesday, on the day I celebrate turning 24 weeks, I will get my first steroid shot for baby. Second dose will be 24 hours later. I will also be having another ultrasound and seeing the doctor. He told me to bring my bags, so I am most likely being admitted for the rest of the pregnancy. He said I could pretty much count on it. Again, the tears. Hubby was a bit emotional but said "its a good thing". We both know that this is what will be best for baby. I am supposed to be on bed rest here at home, but that just hasn't been working out too well. Being in the hospital will take away the stress of caring for the house and doing things I just shouldn't be.

If any "good news" can come out of this, doctor told us yesterday that baby is HUGE for this gestation. Actually, in the 97th percentile!!! Here is the thing. When I was in labor with A, they estimated him at 455 grams. That is one pound. When he was born, he weighed 710 grams, 1.9lbs. An average 24 weeker, is 600 grams or 1.4lbs.

This baby yesterday, was already measuring at 668 grams!!!! That is 1.7lbs! An average baby at 23 weeks weighs 501 grams or 1.1lbs.

With all of this being said....

First, I am scared. So scared. I know the life of the NICU all too well. I know the daily fears for a baby that is in the NICU.

I am sad. I was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe this would be a wonderful summer waiting for our healthy full term baby to arrive.

I am anxious. I hate not knowing what to expect. I hate this day by day thing.

I am angry. I have already had one micro preemie. One who has grown into an amazing little man, but with so many issues that I wish I could take away. I am angry as well because I had the strength to try again and lost our second little boy. A little one who we were so excited to meet and love.

I am heartbroken.




I have to believe that this baby will be okay. This is the only way for me to keep my sanity and continue this pregnancy day by day. I have to believe that I will get the steroid shots for baby in time (which A never had the chance to get). I have to believe that this hospital bed rest will help me get as far as I can before welcoming this little one into the world.

And like the doctor said, I myself will feel MUCH better being in hospital. I will be right under their noses. There will be no worry/panic about something happening here at home and having a 45 minute ride to get to the place I need to feel calm and safe.

So, we just keep moving on. Praying and believing is all we can do.


Andrea/David said...

stay strong, think positive and although NICU time is really hard - a fulltime baby with no bad issues will take the NICU Time like nothing.. time will fly and hopefully (if baby will come earlie than expected) this time Nicu will be much more positive as A.´s Nicu time!!!! I´ll light a candle, as you now know THAT works out great!!! =)) Honey, go ahead and prepare yourself for this huge great and hopefully superhealthy Baby!!! =)) think of you 3 and 1/2 - please keep posting, every little then and now a tiny note would be great! =)

Hey, altohugh I´m not a native speaker to English - my grammar is horrible BUT to read english written books for youth helps a lot =)))

hugs from oversea
andrea with david and daddy michael

Unknown said...

Hang in there Shannon! I know how much this sucks. We went through the same thing with Gavin - one thing seemingly going wrong after another, and on the heels of losing our Ella at 18 weeks. Good luck getting through this next week and don't be afraid to be a giant pain in the ass at the hospital! The worst part about our hospital was the daily nurse rotation and some times having amazing nurses and other times having awful ones.

You're going to get through this. I BELIEVE TOO!!

Amy, John, Sam, and Frank said...

I believe too, Shannon!!! I will be thinking of you and your sweet baby everyday!!!

Cora said...

You can do this Mama! We're thinking of you.

Claudia said...

Sharon - keep believing! We'll be praying for you and your little one!
Claudia (from the trach board)

BusyLizzyMom said...

I am so sorry to hear things are not going well. You deserve to have a full term healthy baby not a pregnancy filled with angst, fear and threats of another baby born too early.
Sending you hugs.

Anonymous said...

We are cheering for you! Hoping for a looooong, boring hospital stay, and a fully-cooked little babe. Hang in there.

Amanda K said...

We believe! Wishing you a very long, boring, and uneventful hospitalization. Followed up by a delivery and a two day stay in the newborn nursery. Wouldn't that be something?

Even if it is not to be so, I believe, not only in you, but in your ability to handle it. In your ability to accept whatever it is that comes your way. You will do so gracefully and with love. I believe in YOU!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the best! Hope you have LOTS of days of being preg. left!

Melissa (from PBM group) said...

you're in my prayers, Shannon...you, your hubby and your precious baby. it makes me so sad that you have to go through this yet again. i'm praying for your baby to stay tucked away safely inside of you for as long as possible...and for baby to be as healthy as possible whenever it is born. i believe...