So yesterday I reached my milestone of 24 weeks!!!!!!!!! It was a nerve racking day as I was seeing my doctor and had my bags all packed and with me as he told me to bring them this time. My cervix has changed every single week and I am happy to say that this is the FIRST time in TEN weeks that there was next to NO change!
The ultrasound tech that I had was GREAT and even went and got Aunty A so she could see the baby. She tried to show us the face but he/she was pushing into the uterine wall. We got to see the little arms, hands, the legs bent up towards his/her chest and the tiny feet. Heart rate was 156. It was INCREDIBLE to see that new life growing inside of me. I just can't wait until the day that I get to see and hold this baby!!!
So what did all this mean??? I am HOME! Yep, because there was next to no change he was okay with sending me home.
I was a bit thrown off at first as I was really expecting to stay, but I told him my fears and thoughts and he told me that anyone who doesn't GET IT is more than welcome to come with me and have a chat with him.
Before I left, I did get my first dose of celestone (steroid) for baby and will be going today to get my second dose. Then I can take another deep breath knowing that baby has the full dose of steroids on board *should* anything happen. However with how great I feel, lets hope not! My next goal is 28 weeks and I am so flippin excited!
I will have another ultrasound on Monday to check size of baby, another cervical measurement and then see doctor again. At least now, if I am admitted I am pretty much prepared.
I will also be doing a gestational diabetes test next week along with a CBC count. I have had issues with breathing the past few weeks off and on so they want to check things out.
So I am home, but I am not doing anything. It is tough, realllllllllly tough for me to sit back and have everyone help around me but I have no choice. The hardest is not doing A's care as I usually do. Its going to take hubby a while to get into the groove of things since he is so used to me doing everything, but he did well last night. He made A's food for the first time which is super exciting for me. It is always nice to have helping hands with things around here. It did take him just over an hour to make the batch, but I told him that over time he will become quicker at it....takes time!
Exciting for me today is the fact that we are officially past my milestone of 24 weeks!! Into uncharted territory now :) Every day that passes I get more and more excited to meet this little one.

YYYAAAAAYYYYY!!! So excited!!! Go Shannon!!! Hoping and praying for a completely boring pregnancy from here on out.
Yayyyy! I've been holding my breath for the past week. Congrats. What a wonderful milestone. Wishing you the most boring pregnancy ever :)
We are totally excited about Ashton's ribbons-we would loved to have been there to cheer him on.He is such a great little boy with super-duper parents.Keep up the good work,Ashton. Now as far as the other news-we are thrilled to hear the good news.I am still praying for a happy,healthy baby.We are praying that all goes well for you guys-you sure deserve it.Love,hugs and kisses-Aunt M.J. and Uncle Al.
Congrats Shannon!
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