So, I am pleased to say that I am home AGAIN this week! YAY! The change to my cervix was minimal for the second week in a row so the doctor is good with me coming home. I have to admit that every week that passes I get more and more nervous about all of it because of the 45 minute drive that I will have to make WHEN I need to, but I am thrilled to be here with my boys!
I had another ultrasound to check growth of baby again and baby is measuring in at roughly 1 pound 12 ounces which is the 75th percentile. So exciting! My mom was with me and the ultrasound tech was really good and showed us baby moving around. It had its one hand up by its face and was yawning.
I have been having a lot of issues lately with my breathing, which I had mentioned at the last appointment. It is not a constant thing but at least twice a day I have a really hard time breathing and feel like I am not getting enough air. There are times that it is so bad that I cannot even go to sleep at night because I am having to concentrate so hard. So I went for some blood work yesterday after the appointment for a complete blood count, thyroid check and also had an electrocardiogram. If blood work looks fine, then they will look into a few more tests to do next week.
And the most exciting thing today........I am officially ONE week past my milestone......25 weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hubby and I have been talking about how we want to do the room for baby. We are both super excited to be doing "normal" things that we never got to experience before. A's room wasn't done until 9 months AFTER he was born. We are working on clearing out the room this week :)