I am officially in the third trimester!!!!!!!!!!! I never in a million years would have thought I would end up this far but thank God that I have! I saw my doctor yesterday but not much to report on. She did not want to check me internally as I have been having a lot of issues with cervix pain so she wanted to leave well enough alone. I was okay with that as I don't want to risk anything right now. My blood pressure was good but my heart rate continues to stay up higher than it should be. I do see cardiology next week so they will more than likely increase the dose of medication that I am on. I continue to have the breathing issues at times and I sure hope that this medication starts working soon!
Baby is moving a ton more. To be honest I love the movements but at times it freaks me out. It is the weirdest thing ever to see the baby moving beneath your skin and I think it is going to take me a while to get used to.
What is going on with baby at 28 weeks?
At 28 weeks pregnant, your baby measures roughly 14.8 inches from head to heel. He or she weighs in at 2.2 pounds. (Keep in mind that your individual baby's size and weight may be different than this average.)
Up until 28 weeks pregnant, your baby's brain has been smooth. This week, the brain is starting to mature and form the grooves that we normally associate with a human brain.
Your baby's hair is growing longer on his or her head, but don't expect to see a full head of hair when he or she is born. Some newborns are completely bald, and others are born with lovely locks that will fall out and even change color after delivery. Your baby's eyelashes and eyebrows are also getting thicker and they're lengthening.

Up until 28 weeks pregnant, your baby's brain has been smooth. This week, the brain is starting to mature and form the grooves that we normally associate with a human brain.
Your baby's hair is growing longer on his or her head, but don't expect to see a full head of hair when he or she is born. Some newborns are completely bald, and others are born with lovely locks that will fall out and even change color after delivery. Your baby's eyelashes and eyebrows are also getting thicker and they're lengthening.
The level of amniotic fluid in your womb will be reaching its maximum amount between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. After 32 weeks, this amount will remain constant until your baby is full term (37 weeks), when it will begin to decrease.
This week, most babies will turn into the head-down position. However, some infants remain breech (with their bottom or feet down, head up). It may take a few extra weeks for these babies to settle into their actual labor position.
At 28 weeks pregnant, your little bundle of joy continues practicing his or her breathing movements. Up until this stage in fetal development, your little one's breathing movements have occurred randomly, but this week, they're beginning to reflect his or her sleep and wake cycle.
Your developing baby's yawning patterns are getting more regular at 28 weeks pregnant. Earlier in pregnancy, his or her yawns only occurred occasionally. This week, fetal yawns will take place in succession one yawn, followed by another in a repetitive pattern.
This past weekend we had a great family weekend! We headed up Friday night to Aunty A's family cottage to spend the weekend camping in our trailer. Saturday was a great event called "I Skydive So Others Can Stay Alive" at the Niagara Skydive Center. It was a fundraiser to raise money for Toronto General Hospital, specifically for transplant and mechanical heart research.
This week, most babies will turn into the head-down position. However, some infants remain breech (with their bottom or feet down, head up). It may take a few extra weeks for these babies to settle into their actual labor position.
At 28 weeks pregnant, your little bundle of joy continues practicing his or her breathing movements. Up until this stage in fetal development, your little one's breathing movements have occurred randomly, but this week, they're beginning to reflect his or her sleep and wake cycle.
Your developing baby's yawning patterns are getting more regular at 28 weeks pregnant. Earlier in pregnancy, his or her yawns only occurred occasionally. This week, fetal yawns will take place in succession one yawn, followed by another in a repetitive pattern.
This past weekend we had a great family weekend! We headed up Friday night to Aunty A's family cottage to spend the weekend camping in our trailer. Saturday was a great event called "I Skydive So Others Can Stay Alive" at the Niagara Skydive Center. It was a fundraiser to raise money for Toronto General Hospital, specifically for transplant and mechanical heart research.
There were five skydivers including Aunty A's mom, a double lung/heart recipient and her daughter and then a mother and son team whose husband/father is waiting for a double lung transplant.
We had campfires on Friday and Saturday night, which A enjoyed. Especially when Aunty A was singing him campfire songs :)
We had campfires on Friday and Saturday night, which A enjoyed. Especially when Aunty A was singing him campfire songs :)
As you can tell it was a beautiful perfect weekend!!!!! Hopefully we will get to spend some more weekends up at the cottage with everyone!!!