Well, its official! We have a date for this baby to join the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday September 5th 2011 I will be getting induced!!!!!!!!!! Yes, labour day!!! haha
I had my regular Monday doctors appointment last week with an ultrasound first. Baby was estimated at 6.9lbs! So hard to believe since that is what A weighed on his first Christmas at the age 6.5 months. I was happy to hear this estimate as baby's growth seems to have slowed compared to what we thought it was going to end up being upon birth. Baby also scored 8/8 on its assessment that they do for breathing on its own and movements....again very exciting!
The doctor never did check my cervix last week or yesterday. The initial plan for yesterdays appointment was to do a stretch and sweep to maybe kick start labor, however I have a pretty bad cold and really did not want to try and get things going feeling this way. I don't think giving birth and meeting your baby for the first time while sick would be much fun at all!
So yesterdays appointment is when we decided on the "plan". And the best part of this plan, besides of course finally getting to hold this little one in my arms?! It is going to be my absolute FAVORITE doctor doing the delivery!!!!!!!!
Monday morning at 6am I will call labor and delivery and will be told what time to come in. She said normally to be ready to leave by 7am to be there for 8am. I think we are going to start with just breaking my water and hoping that contractions will start on their own seeing I am already 4cms dilated. Doctor said we could do that and give it a couple hours to see how things go and if things don't progress they will start the drip of pitocin. Or her other option was to do both at the same time to really get things going. However I am hoping to avoid the pitocin if I can so I will stick with option number one.
She also mentioned that I only have to stay for six hours after delivery and then we can head home. However I do not think I will be comfortable with this at all and plan on staying the one night in hospital.
I can hardly believe that this full term pregnancy journey is almost to an end! I never in a million years thought I would get this far and I feel so blessed! So, looks like 6 days from now we will become the family of FOUR that we have been dreaming about!!!!!!!!!!!!