Is this not amazing?! I am now 31 weeks 1 day pregnant!!!! I saw my doctor on Monday and they are very pleased to see me get this far. My uterus is now measuring at an incredible 37 weeks so I will have another ultrasound in two weeks to check measurements of baby to see the size. I am going to be completely honest that I am super anxious about how big this baby is going to be at birth. Besides measuring six weeks ahead, things are good and I do not have to go back for two weeks!
In little man news, he has started his first summer camp this summer. He is going to be in four different weekly camps and so far he is LOVING it. Monday was his first day and upon coming home I was told by his respite worker that it wasn't such a great start. A was not being included as he should have been. There was actually a camp counsellor that stood directly in front of him during circle time. When she was asked to move by A's worker, she turned, looked at A, rolled her eyes and did not move. This absolutely breaks my heart to hear things like this. I thank God that A does not understand what this counsellor was doing. Can you imagine how broken his heart would be???? As well, upon leaving the building they were in to go outside, A obviously had to go down the elevator. Well, when they got outside, the group was no where to be seen. They did not wait for A!!!! Thankfully A's worker is VERY good with him and is good at voicing her opinion. She did speak up for A in both situations and is a very good advocate when I am not available to be doing that.
I was so angry I immediately called to speak to the camp director. However being as late as it was I was not able to talk to her until today. This camp is all about being inclusive and I am disgusted that they would have camp counsellors work there that treat children this way. The director told me that she would be speaking to them about what went on, but she honestly didn't sound that concerned. Hopefully things turn around, cause my little man deserves to be treated just like everyone else and have a great time!!!
In some other drama, comes school. Unfortunately it looks like I am up for another fight. I spoke to the principal of his current school (she is new) and she does NOT have the same thoughts that I do at all. She does not think that A should be integrated at all, but rather should be placed in the DD class to focus on his direct needs. I do not agree AT ALL at this point and I will not give in to her belief. A is only six years old. There is absolutely NO reason for him to be placed in a DD class at this point. It is good for him to be around other children and it is good for those kids as well to be around him. I don't like feeling like my decision as a mother is not the right one. I know my child better than anyone else and what I want for him is MY decision.
Another option she had if I absolutely would not consider a DD class was to have him in the split 1/2 class next year. I was getting very frustrated because there is not a chance that A is going to continue going to that school so that is NOT an option. Secondly, why would you put a child that is supposed to be doing SK over again into a grade 1/2 class. I told her that we had met with A's principal and teacher a couple months back and talked all this over. We all agreed that it would be best for A to stay back in SK for September for a few reasons. When I told her this, she told me that she did not agree and that there was no reason for A to stay back. *sigh*
Anyhow, after finally getting my point across that this school was NOT an option, I told her where I would like A to go. She told me that it probably wasn't going to happen and that A should just go to his home school. His home school was the first one that we met with last year and is just not a good option at all for him. They have never had a child like A in the school and most importantly, there is no DD class. We all know eventually that A will need to be in a DD class and I would like the school that he is at to have one for when that move is needed. I was told that I should not and could not plan A's transition this far ahead of time. Pardon?! I sure can. I am his mother and I like to plan things! Why on earth would I want to send him to a school KNOWING full well that in a couple of years he would have to move to another school that had a DD class for him to attend????????????
She then went on to tell me that she was not sure how the EA situation worked at his home school, but that there would probably be some that are assigned there and then A would get his "allotment" of time for one to one. I asked her what she meant, and she told me that A would get so much time per day of EA one to one support. I told her that was not possible and that A needed a full time EA. I was told that this was my opinion. Again, Pardon???????? When I asked her what A was supposed to do for the rest of the day that he didn't have an just sit there and look at the class, she told me the teachers would never do that to him. And that there would be nothing wrong with wheeling him over to a group of kids and have him watch. Sorry, but teachers do not have the time to focus that much attention on ONE child. Nor is it fair to have A watch kids do things that he should be INCLUDED in.
I am so flipping angry about this all. I am tired of having to fight for what is right for my child. I am tired of having to fight for the RIGHTS of my child. The lady does not know my son AT ALL and yet is talking to me like she knows him best.
I got off the phone with her after about 45 minutes in complete tears. I then spoke to the superintendent of this school about what went on and what was said. Unfortunately with it being summer there really is nothing to be done, so I have to wait to deal with the special needs coordinator and have her advocate to have A moved to the school I want him in.
Lets just all keep our fingers crossed that everything works out the way that I want it to for my little man!

1 comment:
Aww man, you don't need that kind of stress right now. I'm hoping that people start getting their act together and get their heads in the A game :)
Wishing you the best. So happy to hear your are at 31!
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